
British International Freight Association Released

British International Freight Association Released

With it being a year since Britain made the decision to leave the Referendum and the results of the latest General Election being released today, those that are operating in the Freight Industry have expressed concern over the extended period of uncertainty that has been experienced.

The British International Freight Association released a comment before the results of the snap General Election were properly announced. Robert Keen, the director General of the trading body has suggested that whoever the new government is, there needs to be more certainty, and a tackling of the challenges that are being faced by a number of companies in the Transport industry.

With the political uncertainty that has been faced, and with the morning’s hung parliament news unfolding that doesn’t seem to be alleviating this yet, there has been delays with in expansion and development plans. It is thought that in order to progress this needs to stop and the new government procrastinate less over areas such as the growth of the UK aviation capacity. It is thought that when these plans are pushed forward, more can be done to carry out suggestions made by the Airports Commission  that would see Heathrow Airport expanded.

There are a number of huge trade concerns because of the Brexit vote and how that will impact the way that Britain trade on an international level, any improvements that can be made to keep the nation as an appealing trading partner, such as the expansion of Heathrow Airport would be wise.

The British International Freight Association is the trade association that has been created in order to represent the freight forwarding community in the UK. The association has said that they will continue to lobby the new government in order to get their knowledge across that the freight forwarding is a vital part of Britain’s capacity for international trade.

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