
BCA Release Strong September Figures

BCA Release Strong September Figures

BCA have recorded an increase in the average car value from their figures in September. The company has had another strong trading month, with the average value of cars increasing by £33, or 0.3%. BCA has released that the headline average of a used car rose to £9,117 over the course of September. This is the highest monthly figure to be recorded by the company. The volumes sold at the company’s auctions have also increased throughout the month, with inventory levels managing to reach record levels at towards the end of September and the start of October.

As for the year-on-year stats, the headline figure has increased by £741, this is almost the same level of increase seen in the stats the month before. This headline figure rise is the equivalent of an 8.1% increase in the average values. This increase in values is an illustration of the steady demand for vehicles as well as a well-balanced supply and rich mixture of stock available from BCA over the course of the past 12 months. Along with September’s figures, the car auction business has seen the average age and mileage of vehicles sold fall. This falling in age and mileage level has a positive knock on effect on the average price performance figures.

For BCA, September has seen a significant footfall in their 24 auction centres, located across the UK. The company has also seen a higher level of buying activity via BCA Live Online The volume has seen a gradual increase over the course of the month and the buyer demand has appeared to outstrip supply as conversion rates increase by over 90%. The auction business has seen demand across the range of products they have available. However, there has been an exceptionally high level of interest for vehicles in a ready for retail condition. September’s figures have seen that the higher the value luxury, prestige, and sports car end of the market have performed well in the latest figures.

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