
Xplore Dundee Celebrate Accredited Living Wage Status

Xplore Dundee Celebrate Accredited Living Wage Status

Xplore Dundee has been celebrating their status as one of the largest accredited private sector Living Wage employers in Dundee during the Living Wage Week 2017. Xplore is the wholly owned subsidiary of National Express Group plc, and is also a part of the UK Bus Division of the National Express Group.

The bus operator first gained this accreditation nearly two years ago, when their parent company, National Express Group announced their commitment to pay all of their UK Bus Workers the higher voluntary rate of pay. The pledge that was made by the transport company meant that it was the first private transport group in the UK to pay the living Wage Foundation’s Living Wage.

The Managing Director of Explore Elsie Turbyne has said that by making the decision to become an accredited Living Wage employer, Xplore Dundee felt that it was important to recognise the hard work that everyone puts in appropriately while also demonstrating their determination to be a good employer to their staff and to the wider community.

The company are hoping that more companies will follow their example and are encouraging employers in Dundee to join Xplore and gain the Living Wage accreditation. The living wage will allow people to spend more comfortably, and have the opportunity to save a little more, and thereby enjoy a higher standard of living. The increase in freedom that the Living Wage creates will then lead to a higher level of spending, which is great news for the economy, as well as being the right thing to do.

The Dundee West MSP Joe Fitzpatrick joined Xplore Dundee managers as well as representative of the Poverty Alliance and City Development Convenor Lynn Short at their Dock Street Depot of Friday 10th November in order to discuss the different benefits that paying the Living Wage can have such as increased productivity, reduced staff absence and a boost to morale.

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