
Nottingham Tops Transport Satisfaction Survey

Nottingham Tops Transport Satisfaction Survey

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Nottingham Tops Transport Satisfaction Survey

Nottingham City Council has been awarded top place in a national survey measuring satisfaction with local highways and transport.

The National Highways & Transport (NHT) Network Satisfaction Survey was carried out in 78 local authority areas by Ipsos MORI. Nottingham has been assessed as the overall winner in the survey and an Outstanding Performance Award and as a result an Outstanding Performance award will be made to the Council at the annual NHT Conference in London on October 14, 2014.

The survey examined a wide range of transport-related services provided by the City Council and in eight categories Nottingham achieved the top rating. These categories included public transport information, local bus services, traffic management, road safety and ease of access for those without a car.

Nottingham also came within the top five of six further sub categories nationally, including the condition of highways, street lighting, community transport and rights of way.

Councillor Jane Urquhart, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation said: “We are absolutely delighted that Nottingham people have responded so positively to this assessment of transport services in the city. The high satisfaction rate is brilliant and we are also happy to be judged as being the best transport authority as a result, having the highest overall public satisfaction of any participating council in England.

We have invested heavily in local transport to improve services in the city. Our transport services are really important because they help bring people and communities together and provide an essential boost for business and employment in the city. They also play an important part in improving the local environment, making Nottingham a more sustainable city, reducing carbon emissions, improving air quality and making getting around the city an easier and more pleasurable experience.”

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