
Joloda Hydraroll Helps Georgi Handling Maximise Handling

Joloda Hydraroll Helps Georgi Handling Maximise Handling

Joloda Hydraroll, experts in material handling for loading and unloading processes, has partnered with Georgi Handling, a specialist in air cargo logistics, to install an air cargo material handling system in its new goods processing warehouse. The overall aim of the project was to make transferring cargo and freight in and out of trucks more efficient and safer.

Georgi Handling (headquartered in Burbach, Germany), has recently extended its client services and opened a new warehouse at Leipzig/Halle airport to process inbound and outbound air cargo freight. The warehouse will act as a hub to distribute cargo further into its network, and to provide added services and support.

First, however, the warehouse needed to be equipped with the necessary facilities. It was originally fitted with a traditional-style loading dock with roller shutter doors; there were no facilities to safely and quickly load and unload unit load devices (ULDs) and PMC pallets from standard and mega air cargo (low floor height) trailers into the warehouse.

The air cargo logistics specialist required a safe, flexible, yet temporary solution to make the operations in the warehouse as efficient as possible. Bart Sloot, Sales Manager, Europe, at Joloda Hydraroll, explains: “Due to the nature of the warehouse industry, the Georgi Handling team wanted the option to remove the system and refit it into other premises should freight volumes at the airport significantly increase or decrease – without having to undertake civil works.”

To meet these needs, Joloda Hydraroll specified and supplied one of its pneumatic rise and fall rollerbed solutions – the Joloda Hydraroll Modular Rollerbed System – which is specifically designed for warehouse applications. The system enables the warehouse floor to be converted into an air cargo handling station. Operators can directly transfer the cargo by rolling it in and out, helping Georgi Handling to speed up its freight transfer and optimise the loading and unloading processes.

The rollerbed system is a prebuilt, modular system that can be installed on top of any flat surface, such as a warehouse floor or a trailer. When safely docked in the loading bay, the rollerbed system can transfer goods from the trailer onto the rollerbed in the warehouse. Tyre guides and ramps help to level the trailer to the warehouse floor so the rollerbed is continuous. The system also offers great flexibility during setup, as the modular rollerbed frames and wheel ramps are retro-fitted and secured to the concrete with heavy-duty bolts, which makes it possible to remove.

The pneumatic rise and fall rollerbed technology ensures the system is much safer than live-roller alternatives. Safety features include auto lowering of the rollers, pallet stops and quick exhaust valves, as well as a safety cage and safety fuse around the electric winch. The winch is used to pull out, load and unload the pallets, which keeps operators at a safe distance from the system during use.

All in all, the modular rollerbed system took just two days to fully install. Since then, the company has been able to easily and safely roll in and out ULDs and PMC pallets from its rollerbed trailers into the warehouse. By handling all cargo on rollers, the air cargo logistics specialist has improved operational safety for both the workers and the cargo itself, while meeting the necessary safety requirements from their customers – the airline operators.

Jürgen Georgi, CEO, Georgi Handling, comments: “We have been using Joloda Hydraroll’s rollerbed systems in our trucks for years and knew that we could rely on them to help us with our new warehouse operation. By deploying the modular rollerbed system, we are able to streamline our offloading, while speeding up deliveries – moving away from traditional loading and unloading processes.”

In addition, Georgi Handling has also invested in a series of Joloda Hydraroll ultra-low height slave pallets. These can be used to safely transport ULD and PMC pallets around the warehouse, without damaging either the cargo or the modular rollerbed system.

Bart Sloot at Joloda Hydraroll concludes: “We are excited to be working with the team at Georgi Handling and helping them to lighten their load. We are improving the safety and efficiency of loading and unloading air cargo into their new warehouse with our modular rollerbed systems. Joloda Hydraroll looks forward to working with Georgi Handling as they continue to expand.”

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