
Business Leaders Issue Politicians With Unequivocal Call to action following Airports Commission report

Business Leaders Issue Politicians With Unequivocal Call to action following Airports Commission report

Business Leaders Issue Politicians With Unequivocal Call To Action Following Airports Commission Report

In response to the Airport’s Commission’s Interim Report Let Britain Fly has called on all three main party leaders to publicly support the view that more runways are now needed in London and the South East and to commit to taking immediate action following the Commission’s final report in 2015.

Last month leaders from more than 100 of Britain’s top firms launched the Let Britain Fly campaign with a statement warning politicians that failure to commit to airport expansion risks damaging the future prospects of the UK economy.

Let Britain Fly believes any party serious about governing Britain must go into the 2015 election expressing a clear manifesto pledge to airport expansion and must at the very least agree to be ‘guided’ by the Commission’s final recommendations.

Sir Winfried Bischoff Chairman of Lloyds Banking Group said: “Britain’s future economic well-being depends on forging new air links with the world’s key emerging markets. But, as the business community knows from experience, our airports simply don’t have enough capacity. Howard Davies has done the country a great service by saying so in words of one syllable. To boost exports and create jobs, we need to act now.”

Harold Paisner Senior Partner of Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP said: “The case for the expansion of runway capacity in the London area has never been clearer. When twenty times as much trade is done with countries with which Britain has a direct air link it’s also clear that this extra capacity is needed to support jobs and growth. It is high time our politicians acted decisively and in the national interest. No more kicking the can down the road, this is about Britain’s future economic prosperity.”

Bob Rothenberg, Senior Partner of Blick Rothenberg LLP Said: “The time has come to face up to the stark truth. For half a century, politicians have failed to take crucial decisions on expanding Britain’s airport capacity. We are paying an increasing economic price for that indecision and lack of bravery. This is the perfect chance for today’s political leaders to make good for their predecessors’ failings. The business community – and the rest of the country – is relying on them to do so.”

Gavin Hayes, Director, Let Britain Fly said: “Doing nothing is no longer an option, the case for expanding our airports is now definitive, in response we urge all three main party leaders to acknowledge the urgent need to build new runways and commit in principle to supporting the modernisation of our airports infrastructure on a cross-party basis.

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