
Air Intake Screen : Reduce Costly Maintenance & Energy

Air Intake Screen : Reduce Costly Maintenance & Energy

It has been announced that Air intake screens can reduce otherwise costly maintenance and energy. It has been estimated that around the UK there are around 47,000 250kW chillers. These chillers each serve an air handling plant. However, these chillers are struggling every day as the chiller coil is being contaminated with airborne debris. It has been estimated that just 1mm of this dirt could lead to the reduction of the efficiency of these machines by 21%.

An answer for this struggle has been found. RABScreen, based in Newbury, has developed high quality air screens. These screens can be easily fitted on to the outside of the dry coolers, chillers and air handling units as well as condensers compressors, cooling tanks and generator intakes. Attaching these air screens means that that the equipment can be protected from being impacted by the incoming debris. This could lead to a 30% saving in input energy for the chiller coils and also reduces the labour that would be required to clean the coils as well as the chemicals that would be required to remove the airborne debris on the coils. This means that customers of RABScreen can hope to see a return on their investment in as soon as six months.

The air screens have been manufactures in the USA, this product can be applied to a variety of different sectors including food processing factories, hospitals, hotels, retail and educational premises.

The screens can be made to fit, with the largest being made for the Bodleian library in Oxford at the size of 22m x 2.5m.

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