
*UPDATE* ‘Save Money, Save Lives’ Conference On The Business Benefits Of Well-Managed Health And Safety

*UPDATE* ‘Save Money, Save Lives’ Conference On The Business Benefits Of Well-Managed Health And Safety

*UPDATE* ‘Save Money, Save Lives’ Conference On The Business Benefits Of Well-Managed Health And Safety

*UPDATE* Quote ref ‘Transport & Logistics magazine’ for non-members discount of £15 + VAT.  You can book by phone or to add that reference to their downloadable booking form, if you book via their website.

 On their website you can download and complete a booking form, which can be emailed to them.

 The link is:

Their telephone number is 020 8741 1231, or email

 All delegate payments must be made at the time of booking and in advance of the conference.


£8.7 million is paid by business every day to meet the costs of people made ill or injured at work. Minister for employment Mark Hoban MP will highlight the benefits for business of getting health and safety right at a British Safety Council conference on 5 June.

To coincide with a conference on 5 June in central London, the British Safety Council is launching a literature review of evidence showing that investing in health and safety can generate more profitable and successful businesses. The conference will be built around a series of presentations, including by Mark Hoban MP, Minister for Employment (DWP) and Lord McKenzie of Luton (shadow spokesperson, DWP). Speakers, panellists and the audience will have the opportunity to explore what drives good health and safety and examine the extent to which the effective management of health and safety risks is good for the bottom line.

Neal Stone, Director of Policy and Communications at the British Safety Council, says: “Much has been written and spoken over recent years about the burden that health and safety imposes on organisations. While there are those who see health and safety as an impediment to business success others, including the British Safety Council and its member organisations, subscribe to the view that when proportionately and sensibly managed health and safety can and does produce tangible economic and social benefits.

“With billions wasted every year on needless injury and ill-health, this literature review now gives us the evidence to persuade others that investing in health and safety makes good business sense.”

This event provides you with the opportunity to hear from the experts on the business case for health and safety, on what drives good performance and current developments including the Löfstedt health and safety reforms.

To book
Please register at

Delegate fees are £130 + VAT for British Safety Council members, £145 + VAT for non-members.

5 June 2013, 10.00 – 16.30.

CBI Centre Point, 103 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1DU.

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