
Inlecom Introduces i-Ship The Intelligent Ship Reporting Gateway

Inlecom Introduces i-Ship The Intelligent Ship Reporting Gateway

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Inlecom Introduces i-Ship The Intelligent Ship Reporting Gateway

Inlecom Systems Ltd (Inlecom), the transport and logistics research and innovation company, has launched i-Ship, an innovative software application, enabling ship representatives to fulfil their reporting obligations to European and International maritime and custom authorities with greater speed and efficiency. Developed as part of the part EU-funded FP7 eMAR project, i-Ship has been designed specifically to automate reporting formalities in a timely and correct manner taking into account the type of ship and/or voyage and is fully compliant with Directive 2010/65/EU.

Creating a new way to interconnect ships with operational stakeholders & reporting authorities, i-Ship offers a collaborative web-based reporting environment, designed to meet the needs of ship managers and their business associates. It acts as a common gateway to all reporting nodes (Port Systems, National Single Windows, Customs), providing a single link for shipping companies to submit their reporting formalities.

i-Ship offers a range of advanced reporting features and key benefits including flexibility and ease of use including easy pre-loading and change of data repeated frequently in notifications such as ship particulars and port codes. Users will also benefit from a streamlined reporting process that affords harmonisation with international standards such as ISO 28005, WCO, EDIFACT and EU specific formats and requirements

Other benefits include complete systems integration and customisation. A reduction of IT complexity can be achieved through SAAS (software as a service) whilst the system is designed to be easily customisable. Finally, i-Ship provides visibility of the reporting and compliance status of the fleet by the shipping management team plus a full range of time and cost efficiencies stemming from a reduced reporting burden, berthing synchronisation and vastly reduced lead times.

Dr Takis Katsoulakos, Director of Inlecom Systems, explains: “i-Ship is a unique product both in terms of functionality and technology innovation that alleviates the burden of reporting formalities from shipping companies at a very cost effective way.”

Dimitris Theodosiou, Managing Director of Danaos Management Consultants says  i-Ship is the first product designed to be compliant with Directive 2010/65/EU.  It reflects the deep knowledge of Inlecom in both shipping and the regulatory environment particularly the EU maritime transport directives. i-Ship has been integrated easily with the DANAOS shipping applications using advanced software engineering technologies.  For once i-Ship gives shipping operators the ability to respond effectively to new EU legislation.

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