
Eurotunnel Group: Activity In The Third Quarter Of 2014

Eurotunnel Group: Activity In The Third Quarter Of 2014

Eurotunnel Group: Activity In The Third Quarter Of 2014

Strong Revenue Growth (+7%)

Third Quarter 2014:

Total Group revenues for the 3rd quarter of 2014 show an increase of 7% to €343.9 million, compared to the 3rd quarter in 2013.
Cross-Channel Fixed Link
Revenues from Shuttles grew by 7% to €160.3 million.
Europorte: continued revenue growth (+8%)
MyFerryLink: revenues increased by 20% to €30.3 million

Jacques Gounon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Groupe Eurotunnel SA stated: “This summer Eurotunnel set new records for traffic and this momentum is continuing. The energy in the UK economy and the application of the Marpol environmental regulations to the ferry companies from January 2015, strengthen the Eurotunnel Group’s competitive advantages”.

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