
Masternaut Launches Tax & Expense Companion Mobile App

Masternaut Launches Tax & Expense Companion Mobile App

Masternaut logo Sept 2013

Masternaut Launches Tax & Expense Companion Mobile App

Masternaut, the largest European provider of telematics solutions, has launched an iOS and Android companion app for the Masternaut Tax & Expense module, offering customers automated and completely accurate mileage logging to support expense claims and compliance regulations on the move.

The Masternaut Driver Companion app, available now via iOS and Android app stores, links mobile users to the Masternaut Tax & Expense module, part of a suite of modules for Masternaut Connect. The Tax & Expense app uses patented CANbus based technology that precisely reports vehicle odometer readings, which is more accurate than GPS-based calculations that many other solutions use.

When a journey is made, drivers can log it as either being private or business mileage, giving greater accuracy on journeys made for work or privately. Once a journey has been completed, drivers need only tap submit for expense claims to be made. The logging and submitting of mileage data and expenses remotely will save drivers the time and effort of having to log them manually. In addition, the Masternaut Tax & Expense companion app stores data for regulatory compliance.

The Masternaut Tax & Expense module is delivered via the new platform’s core, integrated web interface, the application is available to all customers using Masternaut Connect, removing the need for lengthy bespoke deployments, and enabling rapid take-up.

Martin Hiscox, Chairman and CEO of Masternaut, says: “For many drivers, handling tax and expense claims can be a complex and time-consuming task and for our customers handling thousands of drivers across multiple regions, it can provide a real challenge to get everything right. With the HMRC able to fine some businesses up to £10m for incorrect or missing expenses, companies are under increasing pressure to get things right.

“The Masternaut Tax & Expense app simplifies and automates the processes involved and provides drivers on the move with an easy to use method of monitoring business mileage and submitting expense claims painlessly. For fleets of cars, this is of particular benefit. Car fleet drivers are more likely to use their vehicles for work and personal use, not something typically seen with vans or LCVs. Having this level of transparency on the actual mileage drivers have done allows car fleets to give a far more accurate picture of business mileage.”

Masternaut’s CTO, Alex Rothwell, adds: “The Tax and Expense app is the result of a busy year of innovation and development for Masternaut. Our unique patented technology ensures that drivers no longer need go through the rigmarole of logging expense claims manually. Having odometer readings instead of GPS gives a highly accurate view of mileage done by any driver and creates a much smoother and easier process for businesses to avoid the HMRC sting.”

The Masternaut Driver Companion app is free to download now on the Apple App Store and the Android App Store.

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