
ABD Members Call For Halt To Reckless 20mph Roll Out

ABD Members Call For Halt To Reckless 20mph Roll Out

ABD Members Call For Halt To Reckless 20mph Roll Out

Campaign group Alliance of British Drivers is calling for Government to halt the roll out of 20mph zones following further increases in 20mph accidents.

The organisation has also questioned the motivation of proponents who continue to advocate a national roll out of 20mph zones, despite the ongoing Government investigation (1) and the increased recorded accident statistics in current 20mph zones (2).

In a recent survey of its members:

95% of Alliance of British Drivers’ members believe that the roll out of 20mph zones and limits should be halted pending Government research into increased casualty statistics in current zones.

56% of respondents have had a 20mph zone introduced in their locality.

98% of drivers thought that observation and adjusting your speed to the conditions was a more important aspect of safe driving the obeying a 20mph limit.

77% thought that educating all road users on their responsibility under the Highway Code would make the biggest contribution to road safety in built up areas.

Only 3.8% thought that 20mph advocates had made a credible case.

ABD members have roundly rejected 20mph zones as a tool to improve road safety with over half of respondents experiencing them as a resident as well as drivers. Less than 4% believing that the case made for 20mph zones and limits was credible.

ABD spokesman Sean Corker said:

“The fact that proponents of 20mph zones continue to campaign for their introduction despite increases in accidents suggests that the ultimate aim of reducing speed limits is to discourage driving rather than making the roads safer.”

The survey also reveals that nearly all (98%) believe that adjusting their speed to the conditions is safer then obeying a 20mph speed limit.

“There is no such thing as a “20mph road” or a “30mph road” as road architecture and hazard density change continuously. If we add in variable weather conditions, seasonal variations (wet leaves or snow and ice) then the advice given by 20mph advocates – that safe driving consists of simply obeying a 20mph speed limit – is potentially dangerous.

While it may be perfectly safe to drive on a particular stretch of road at 30mph on sunny weekday afternoon with clear sight lines and low hazard density, the same stretch of road on an icy January morning during rush hour is a completely different proposition.”

The survey shows that ABD members believe that the education of all road users, including what is a safe speed for the conditions, would be a more effective road safety policy then simply changing a number on a stick.

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