
Ten Essential Items in Case of a Winter Car Emergency

Ten Essential Items in Case of a Winter Car Emergency

Motorists are being advised on ten of the most essential items to keep in the car in case of an emergency this winter. The car leasing experts at are helping drivers to stay safe by recommending the best equipment to keep handy in the event of a breakdown.

Reflective triangle

Using a reflective triangle when you break down can help to keep you and other road users safe. The Highway Code states that you should place one around 45 meters behind the vehicle but never use them on motorways.

High visibility jacket

Keeping a high visibility jacket in your car is another great way to alert road users of your presence – they are especially important when it’s dark and you’re trying to locate an emergency phone or wave down help.

Phone charger

A portable phone charger is essential in today’s day and age, the last thing you want is a dead battery when you need to call a recovery service.

Spare tyre and jack

A common cause of breakdowns all year-round is tyre punctures, so it’s always good to ensure your car is carrying a spare one at all times. Remember to keep a jack and wrench in the car too otherwise you won’t be able to change the tyre.

Jump leads

Having a flat battery is also another common breakdown cause – especially during the winter as batteries can be more temperamental and lead to an emergency. Jump leads are a great investment as they allow you to get a jump-start from another car without having to pay the expense of a breakdown service.

Wind up torch

Checking out your vehicle is a lot easier with a torch and it allows you to save battery on your phone. Make sure to get yourself a wind up version so you never have to worry about having batteries.

First aid kit

First aid kits are easy to get your hands on and are vital in emergency situations when it could take a while for help to reach you. If you have an old kit make sure everything is still sterile and in date.


An old fashioned paper road atlas can help you out in case you get lost and your phone is out of battery, data, or signal, and there aren’t any locals around to ask.

Ice scraper

Keeping your windscreen and windows clear this winter is not only extremely useful to stay safe but is also a legal requirement.

Non-perishable snacks

Energy bars and cereal bars are great to keep in the glove compartment for long journeys or if you’ve been broken down for a while.

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