
Fuel Duty Rise a Blow to Economic Recovery

Fuel Duty Rise a Blow to Economic Recovery

Speaking in response to rumours circulating of a potential fuel duty rise, Elizabeth de Jong, Director of Policy at Logistics UK, comments:

“Logistics UK and its members are extremely concerned by rumours circulating of a significant fuel duty rise in the Autumn Budget. Logistics businesses have worked tirelessly during the pandemic to ensure the nation is supplied with all the goods and services it needs, all while operating at very tight margins and facing severe economic difficulties; a fuel duty rise would be a huge blow to their recovery.

“The 5p per litre rise – as is speculated in the media – would increase operating costs significantly at a time when margins are most stretched and cash flow is a real problem for many businesses; the UK already pays one of the highest fuel duty rates in Europe. Logistics UK is calling for a freeze on diesel and petrol fuel duty, in addition to a reduction in fuel duty for cleaner, lower carbon fuels to support the transition to a zero-emission industry.”

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