
Simon Angeldorff Stays As CEO At Envirotainer

Simon Angeldorff Stays As CEO At Envirotainer

Simon Angeldorff

Simon Angeldorff Stays As CEO At Envirotainer

Following the implementation of several successful initiatives, Envirotainer’s Executive Chairman of the Board and interim CEO Simon Angeldorff has accepted the permanent position of CEO at Envirotainer.

Last November, Envirotainer announced that Gustaf Ljunggren was being replaced as CEO, and Mr. Angeldorff, then Chairman of the Board at Envirotainer, stepped in as Executive Chairman.

The recruitment process for the position was ongoing; generating much interest amongst applicants. However, based on Mr. Angeldorff’s demonstrated leadership and the direction he has taken in the past six months at Envirotainer, the Board members made a unanimous decision to approach him with the offer to continue as CEO on a permanent basis.

“I am privileged to get the opportunity to lead such a fantastic organization in the strong growth phase that we are in. I look forward to continue working with the Envirotainer team and our Partners in providing state-of-the-art active temperature controlled logistics solutions to the global life-science industry.” comments Simon Angeldorff.

Mr. Angeldorff’s has a solid background in financial positions as well as experience in venture capital, and has served as a board member for other renowned companies apart from Envirotainer, including Loparex and Viking Redningstjeneste.

Mr. Angeldorff will leave the Board of Directors for Envirotainer. Tommy Wikström, currently member of the Board, will assume the role as Chairman of the Board, while Kristofer Runnquist will become a member of the Envirotainer Board of Directors.

Envirotainer is the world-leader in secure cold chain logistics solutions, primarily within the life science industries. The company manufactures and leases active temperature-controlled container solutions for air transportation, including validation, support and service.

Envirotainer operates through an open, global network of airline companies and logistics partners. The company is represented in over 52 countries around the world with headquarters in Upplands Väsby just outside of Stockholm, Sweden. Envirotainer is a registered trademark of the company Envirotainer AB.

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