
Volvo Trucks Highlights Its Swedish Heritage In A New Series Of Videos

Volvo Trucks Highlights Its Swedish Heritage In A New Series Of Videos

Volvo heritage

Volvo Trucks Highlights Its Swedish Heritage In A New Series Of Videos

The entire world is invited to join Volvo Trucks in celebrating Swedish National Day for a whole week. The ‘Swedish Week’ campaign consists of seven videos, amongst other things, with the intention of highlighting the importance of the Swedish roots of Volvo Trucks in an entertaining and amusing way.

Volvo Trucks would not be what it is today without the Swedish culture of innovation, road safety, ‘the ‘right to roam’ (Allemansrätten) and creative coffee breaks (Fika). This is the theme of a new campaign from Volvo Trucks called ‘Swedish Week’, which will be launched at the beginning of June, in conjunction with Swedish National Day on 6th June.

The leading role is played by Swedish Hollywood actor Peter Stormare. The campaign is made up of seven short films that take a light-hearted look at various aspects of Swedishness, which have all helped to shape Volvo Trucks in different ways.

“We want to highlight our Swedish background and show how it has influenced our brand from the time when the first Volvo truck was built in 1928 until today,” says Åsa Theleen, Brand & Marketing Communications Manager for Merchandise at Volvo Trucks.

Peter Stormare was proud to be taking part in the campaign, especially as the filming took place in Hälsingland in northern Sweden, where he grew up.

“When they called and asked me if I wanted to be involved, it was as if ABBA had reformed and wanted me to act in a film with them,” says Peter Stormare.

The campaign, which is a part of the marketing of Volvo Trucks’ heritage collection, will run from 2nd to 8th June and the videos will be launched on Volvo Trucks’ YouTube channel.

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