
C&D South West Improves Their Service And Saves Fuel With Quartix Vehicle Tracking

C&D South West Improves Their Service And Saves Fuel With Quartix Vehicle Tracking

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C&D South West Improves Their Service And Saves Fuel With Quartix Vehicle Tracking

Transport and logistics operator C&D South West Ltd is utilising the Quartix system’s wide range of features to improve their overall service and reduce outgoing fuel costs. The company primarily employs Driving Style Monitoring in combination with several other core features in order to better their day-to-day operations and increase productivity.

“With the Driving Style Monitoring suite we are able to identify problematic drivers and issues which need addressing,” states Darren Hammond, Director of C&D South West Ltd. “We then speak to our drivers about their strengths and weaknesses and work with them to improve their quality of driving.” The company is able to establish the details of their fleet’s performance via easy-to-read graphs and charts on the web-based Quartix system.

After consulting with drivers on their road performance, C&D South West began to see fleet-wide improvements by reviewing the system’s score-based league tables, which aggregate individual driver performance on a 100-point scale. “Because the system’s collective data allows us to know more about our drivers’ behaviour, we know our fleet’s average driving style score is currently 95/100,” explains Darren Hammond. As C&D South West have discovered, high performance ratings consistently decrease fuel consumption and pave the way for substantial savings as a result: “On top of saving on fuel expenses, we also have fewer accidents and our drivers are much more professional.”

Maintaining a high standard of driving is hugely beneficial for fleets of any size. As such, Darren Hammond has been looking to reward positive driving: “For the past 12 months, we have been incentivising good driving by giving our drivers a retrospective bonus based on the data provided by the Quartix system.” Indeed, vehicle tracking legitimises these sorts of reward schemes by conveying evidence-based statistics: “We can use the system to regularly refer back to our historical data. It’s a fantastic way to source the information we need when rewarding our drivers.”

Overall, the company is taking full advantage of the Quartix system’s capabilities. For instance, the live tracking at the heart of the system has enriched their customer relations by enabling them to inform customers on accurate delivery ETAs. Additionally, maintenance costs – including damage to mirrors and lamps as well as general wear and tear – have also lowered as a direct result of better driving.

C&D South West’s satisfaction with the Quartix system is set to continue: “It’s a key tool for my business: I use it as a management tool and other departments use it as an operational tool. We’re also soon to be opening a new satellite depot. We want to put the Quartix system into all our vehicles and monitor the trucks remotely, which will be great for us.”

The decision to install vehicle tracking across their fleet was not made lightly by C&D South West, but opting for Quartix has proven to be advantageous: “Our company had no other telematics system in place before installing Quartix. We were aware of tracking’s benefits so we weighed up our options in terms of features and costs. We opted for Quartix because they were offering flexible and reasonable rates for a good standard of service.”

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