
Dover Joins Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club

Dover Joins Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club


The Port Of Dover Joins Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club In Funding Bid

The Port of Dover is proud to announce its support for the Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club (RCPYC) in promoting a funding bid to Sport England to improve their historic seafront facilities. RCPYC is one of the oldest yacht clubs in England and is situated on the seafront in a prime position, overlooking the busy port.

Together with the Property & Estates team at the Port, RCPYC will work up a bid to continue a successful programme of refurbishment of the premises which provide accommodation for club members and allied sailing/nautical groups funded from their own resources and largely undertaken by club members.

Despite the success of the RCPYC to date, there is a large part of their basement area which requires attention and funding in order to provide additional and improved facilities for the membership and the many visitors to Dover who use the venue each year.

In order to approach Sport England with an effective bid, RCPYC required security of tenure and a 15 year extension of their lease for their waterfront premises, which the Port of Dover has now confirmed it is happy to provide having reviewed the plans.

Tim Waggott, Port of Dover Chief Executive said: “We are delighted to support our many friends at the Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club in this bid. I have seen first hand the improvements made by the Committee and members over recent years, and we are keen that future generations of leisure and community users benefit from this fantastic location.”

Welcoming the announcement, Bernard Sealy, Commodore of Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club said: “We are very pleased that our excellent and continuing relationship with the Dover Harbour Board is taking a further step forward. It is clear that both our organisations recognise the opportunity for port, town and community to work together for mutual benefit.”


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