
800 Years Of Royal History For System Training Driving Lesson

800 Years Of Royal History For System Training Driving Lesson

2013 parade (9)

800 Years Of Royal History For System Training Driving Lesson

Bibby Distribution was chosen by the London Metropolitan University to haul the 2013 London Lord
Mayors show parade float. In a theme of education, the transport the training arm of Bibby, System training took the reins.
The perfect truck, in preparation James Billingham worked with Mark Rose at the Bibby Southall office to in a joint Bibby System livery, steam cleaned, spit and polish, ‘Lord Mayors parade graphics added icing to the cake above the cab window.’ Worshipful livery of Carmen heraldry in the windscreen, Carl Lomas added a Guildhall tax disc to ply trade in the City Square Mile that had been stamped by alderman and new Lord Mayor Fiona Woolf CBE.
Drivers, David & Joe were right royal chuffed to be chosen for the top job of a Saturday
special in the London Capital, represented trucking to an international audience of commerce, banking and law & logistics. It was traction duties with a difference. The drivers had a cheer leader rain dance for the driving test of their lives. Police escorts, closed roads, shooting red lights and breaking no left turns. It was no Dick Wittington pantomime for the top truck duo in the narrow streets of London. Their military marshal, a TA Colonel worked hand in hand for the drive, accurate in delivery to 15 seconds across three miles for choreography to the live broadcasts of the BBC. Dave Turner commented, ‘it was about keeping movement, one stationary stop and we would have caused a time lag break down the parade, the MAN auto was spot on, steering on the horse friendly, sand covered roads was certainly tricky in the wet.’
The London Metropolitan University float had become part of 800 years of Royal history dating back to King John. Students pedalling generators on the trailer bed provider electricity with eco-friendly leg power for boom box sound of the dance music. Road side a cheerleader team of student dancers rocked the pavement with pom poms side by side with Michelins. Lunch stop below the Aldwich, Tracey Worth & Pip McKerrow London South east commissioner for Girl Guides sorted the pack ups.
It was top brass ahead of the tractor unit, Dean of the University Stephen Perkins walked with the float and Nigel Barton MD of System Training. Paul Spink, James Billingham & Janet Lee from the System London Watford office joined team to walk the route of the pageant alongside the MAN TGX tractor. Jim Kelly chair of the University & IOD Carl Lomas joined the team at Mansion house.
Driver duties, Eyes down for London legislation, congestion zone and emissions, health & safety risk assessment for the flat bed load structure and ADR DCPC on a truly grand scale as driver instructor Dave Turner and Joe Stoney took the Golden streets of the Capital in their stride to be part of the Dick Whittington history. Parade instructions on fuel levels; add blue and security were part of a brief that tested driver duo for a trip of a lifetime on closed roads to negotiate the medieval street plan of the inner city around London Wall, Guildhall, Mansion House and the Royal Courts of Justice. It was stair rod rain for double wiper speed at the start and sun cream hot for the steamy end with the de-misters full on.
Paul Byrne, Bibby, said: “It’s a great honour to be part of the parade of the Lord Mayor of London. A Royal seal of approval for our truck and drivers to take to the streets with the Golden carriage of Fiona Woolf the new Lord Mayor of London, David & Joe have done us proud. We wish the second ever lady Lord Mayor, alderman Fiona Woolf well in her new office while we remain focused on our mission to improve skills within the logistics industry, deliver apprenticeship programmes with System Training to young learners and help give unemployed people the skills to find jobs – it’s fantastic to have this recognised by The Lord Mayor.’
Nigel Barton, MD of System Training commented, ‘The top drivers were chosen, Joe from Bibby, David from System, Carlisle, the MAN TGX came from Bibby Southal office and the flatbed trailer painted royal red came out of Greys Essex for the special occasion. David & Joe delivered the truck via the London Metropolitan university yard in Commercial road, City of London and were congratulated by the Pageant Master Dominic Reid as they were bang on the timing to a scheduled arrival into the Police marshalled security camp at Smithfield market. No meat on board today for the boys, they had an overnight with a difference, polish and rag, leather cleaner for the red side boards of the trailer prepared by the University students between their taco hours in preparation for the most intense five miles of their life in the wheel tracks of the Golden carriage of Dick Whittington fame, inch perfect to a sixteen feet load height. They did us a blinding job the transport industry can be proud of.’
Parade history. In 1215 the King granted right to a Lord Mayor, he had to walk from the City of London to the palace of Westminster to swear fealty to the sovereign, the Lord Mayors journey became so splendid it became the Lord Mayors show, today half a million people line the streets to watch the spectacle broadcast around the World. 6,500 participants, 20 military & civilian bands, dozens of horses and carriages, Union Jack Jaguars and the magnificent Golden State coach.

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