
MNTB Launches Campaign to Attract New Talent in Shipping

MNTB Launches Campaign to Attract New Talent in Shipping

The Merchant Navy Training Board (MNTB) has launched a year-long Careers at Sea National Awareness Campaign to raise awareness of the shipping industry and the endless career opportunities available.

The UK shipping industry supports 650,000 jobs and now is facing a shortage of new talent, with only 600 cadets joining the sector in 2023—far below the 2,000 required annually to maintain a sufficient supply of homegrown seafarers. 

The shortfall threatens both economic growth and social well-being, as shipping plays a vital role in the UK’s economy.

National Awareness Campaign Highlights

The campaign, launched at the MNTB board seminar in Glasgow, aims to inspire a new generation of seafarers and address the shortage of new talent.

The initiative includes a revamped Careers at Sea brand, a new website and a new advertising campaign to fight against “sea blindness”— a lack of awareness among potential candidates about career opportunities in the shipping industry.

There’s Always More to Sea

A career in shipping, whether at sea or on shore, is an incredibly rewarding choice, with those that enter the industry often spending their entire career in shipping. There are significant opportunities to transition from an at sea to on shore role and to enter the industry at a junior level and climb to be a senior executive.

“However, sea blindness is a significant barrier with many individuals who would thrive in the industry unaware of the opportunities it presents. Our campaign aims to change that by promoting the importance of the industry to the wider public, in locations away from traditional maritime areas to show that a career in shipping can be for everyone.

Director of the Merchant Navy Training Board Kathryn Neilson

The shipping industry is vital for the UK economy, so it’s great to see campaigns like this promoting the fantastic opportunities that a life at sea offers. 

“We need more people to take up a career in maritime, which is why the Government contributes towards training costs and is modernising training for seafarers.

Maritime Minister Mike Kane 

Career at Sea Rebranding

After eight years, the MNTB’s Careers at Sea brand has been refreshed to support the launch of its National Awareness Campaign.

The Careers at Sea rebranding features a state-of-the-art logo and visual identity that utilises a crisper, more modern, and impactful design to resonate with a young audience of career seekers across social media and billboards.

Careers at Sea New Website

Visit the revamped Careers at Sea website to discover the endless opportunities that a career in shipping can offer and find the perfect role for you.

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