
LPR Drop Point Survey Results Released

LPR Drop Point Survey Results Released

The results from the annual LPR Drop Point Survey have been released. The scores illustrate that satisfaction levels are increasing. The Drop Point Survey is in its 14th year, and offers LPR customers the opportunity to have their voices heard on a number of different topics such as business operations and partner organisations.

LPR, the pallet pooling specialist is a division of the Euro Pool System, and has been working in the fast paced consumer goods sector for around 25 years. The company handles 76 million pallets each year and offers a full pallet service for their client companies throughout the supply chain. This includes manufacturers, distributors, processing partners and retailers.

Customers of LPR will most likely be familiar with the Drop Point Survey, which has been used for nearly 15 years to collect, record and track LPR customers’ opinion. The survey also offers the logistics business a source of information to monitor their progress over the years, making comparisons and looking at areas where improvements can be made.

As part of this year’s survey, LPR’s service ratings saw further improvement. 86% of customers that responded to the survey, rated the company’s service as either excellent or good. The majority of the respondents also rated the third party collection service offered by the company as excellent, which means that the company have managed to maintain the same strong results for this area of operations as last year.

One of the other aspects of the LPR is the friendliness and professionalism of the staff. It is vital for LPR to ensure that the way their staff interacts with customers is an essential part of running a successful company. The responses for this section of the Drop Point Survey also stayed consistently high. Another section of the survey offered customers the opportunity to rate the quality of the pallets, with 97% of respondents this year rating the quality as excellent or good.

The results of the survey are a reflection of the hard work and commitment put in by LPR and the business’ value of their customer’s opinions.

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