
Boris On Beeching An Opportunity For Walking & Cycling

Boris On Beeching An Opportunity For Walking & Cycling

Boris On Beeching An Opportunity For Walking And Cycling

Responding to news that London Mayor Boris Johnson has called for disused railway lines across the UK to be turned into traffic-free cycle lanes, Sustrans’ National Cycle Network Manager, Martyn Brunt said:

“Many of the railway tracks closed in the Beeching cuts are now popular walking and cycling routes that bring millions of pounds to the UK economy and help keep the population healthy.

“It would be fantastic to see more of these disused railways developed into cycling and walking routes but we should also consider the return of passenger rail services to these routes when the demand is there and when cycling and walking can still be accommodated.

“The government must invest in walking and cycling infrastructure as well as cost-effective public transport options that allow people to get around without using a car.”

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