
Record Stena Line First Half Passenger Numbers

Record Stena Line First Half Passenger Numbers


Record Stena Line First Half Passenger Numbers To Holland Approach Quarter Of A Million

Stena Line transported a total of 246,000 passengers between Harwich and the Hook of Holland in the first six months of 2013.

The figure represented an increase of 14,000 passengers on the North Sea route, a 5.9 per cent uplift compared to the same period in 2012 and the largest first-half passenger volumes since the current timetable was established six years ago.

The ferry operator achieved particularly strong growth in car numbers on the route. The first half of 2013 saw a 9.6 per cent lift in cars transported, equivalent to 5,000 more than the prior-year period.

Stena Line also saw a year-on-year increase of 5.7 per cent in coach traffic on the Harwich-Hook of Holland route between January and June.

By comparison, air passenger numbers between the UK and the Netherlands grew less significantly during the first six months of 2013, with a year-on-year increase of just 2.2 per cent.

Stena Line realised year-on-year growth in terms of overall passengers and vehicles in both quarters of 2013. Q2 saw a 4.9 per cent upsurge in total passengers; an 8 per cent lift in cars and a 4.5 increase in coaches.

The ferry operator attained the strongest North Sea traffic growth in the month of May, with:

– 21.3 per cent year-on-year increase in total passengers numbers;

– 20.5 per cent year-on-year increase in car numbers;

– 22.8 per cent year-on-year increase in coach numbers.

Lars Olsson, Stena Line’s general manager for travel on the North Sea, said, “The Harwich–Hook of Holland service remains of huge strategic importance for Stena Line and we will continue to explore ways to enhance services on the route, ensuring the best possible pricing to sustain our strong growth.

“The ferry link between Harwich and the Hook of Holland reaches its 120th anniversary this year and Stena Line is delighted to play an increasingly significant role in its history and in passenger and freight transportation between Britain and the Netherlands.

“Although we are mindful of the regulatory issues facing ferry travel on the North Sea and the ongoing economic challenges affecting the UK and the Eurozone, we remain confident that the hotel-like facilities on board our Superferries, coupled with keen pricing and a convenient schedule, put us in an excellent position to achieve further growth.

“We will continue to work to drive awareness of our services and attract more new customers this year, where we aim to transport in excess of 550,000 passengers and 120,000 cars.”

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