
Delay Repay Scheme Slow and Time-Consuming

Delay Repay Scheme Slow and Time-Consuming

With the huge amounts of upgrades and renovations taking place on the railway networks all around this country, it is good to remind oneself that the rail networks have implemented  a Delay Repay scheme that is supposed to allow customers affected by repair works to claim compensation for the disruptions to their journey. For many people in the country, this is some consolation for the disruptions the repair works will have caused to them. On the other hand, it is quite perfectly evident that such a service as Delay Repay is a time-consuming and increasingly frustrating process.

The demand for Delay Repay is indeed so great that the transport networks contacted often take a very long time to respond to applications, sometimes exceeding a month before they actually contact those who seek compensation and address their case. This often results in commuters forgetting or abandoning their hopes for a fair compensation, but the railway networking companies urge people to be patient and bear with them so that their queries can be satisfied. It is obvious for instance that the companies do what they can to try and make people happy with their compensation, and full refunds on tickets are often implemented. On the other hand, this is clearly subjective to the query that has been raised.

For example, the London Underground workers’ strike of last month was incredibly disruptive for a huge number of people. Of course, many were right to claim compensation through the Delay Repay scheme, but with the huge amount of callers and applicants on that day, it is clear that many will have to wait a long time before their demands for compensation are seen to. Indeed, it is an indication of the sheer chaos that is a problem with the railway systems all over the country that despite attempts to repair them, problems are still being caused for commuters and travellers. How lucky are those that get to travel on foot!

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