
CitySprint twin With Company PCM

CitySprint twin With Company PCM

Today’s morn has seen the biggest delivery and print company known as CitySprint twin with PCM, which has set its foot in London for a number of years now, in the hope that it will pave the way for the company’s golden future. The deal will mean that the 13 employees of PCM will need to relocate to the capital where the CitySprint base is located, specifically the Document Solutions department.  
By relocating, it is hoped that PCM’s transferring of staff and employees closer to the CitySprint headquarters will mean that the mutual agreement between the two businesses will be of maximum mutual benefit to both companies, and with more than 10 years under its belt working within the distribution industry, PCM looks well on the way to meeting new targets in the new year ahead. It will mean for example that they will have unbridled access to CitySprint’s very speedy delivery transportation grid, one that has the power to get to 88 per cent of people living in Britain in well under 60 minutes.
This will clearly enable PCM to deliver even greater customer service at an even quicker rate than ever imagined before: they will also be granted access to CitySprint’s very own LastMileLink Technologies tool, which aims to develop the technological capabilities of the courier service industry for the new technological years ahead. With CitySprint being synonymous with the word “innovation” when it comes to the delivery services around the country, Mister Bob Powell the MD of PCM cannot overstate his enthusiasm in aligning the two companies together, which he says will ensure even better customer service and a wider range of delivery options for the future years to come. Mister Patrick Gallagher of CitySprint is equally satisfied with the go-ahead to join the two companies and is happy to greet the new staff from PCM with open arms, so confident that he is that the deal will be mutually beneficial to both sides.
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