

West Middlesex University Hospital Cuts Costs By 40% With Alphabet’s AlphaElectric Consultancy

West Middlesex University Hospital has called upon business mobility specialist Alphabet to help the company cut costs and lower its carbon footprint.

With the hospital’s taxi fare bill being a substantial part of their employees travel expenses in 2013, West Middlesex Hospital needed to significantly reduce the cost and environmental impact of their employee travel. Following consultative advice from Alphabet, the hospital has taken delivery of a Nissan Leaf, reducing travel costs by 40 per cent and enabling savings to be redirected into patient care. Therapy employees now use the electric pool car instead of taxis whenever possible, removing the need to administer fuel cards or garage receipts.

Unlike other suppliers, Alphabet was the only company able to offer West Middlesex University Hospital the opportunity to lease a single electric vehicle (EV). Through one of its brokers, Alphabet was also able to arrange an insurance policy solely for one vehicle.

Andy Finlay, performance and operations manager at the Trust says “It’s a win-win for us on cost and the environment,” said Mr Finlay. “Alphabet helped us to solve this problem by coming up with the car and the insurance. Their account manager also gave us all the information we needed to write the terms and conditions for the car’s users.

The more we save on expenditure, the more we can put into front line services. The saving we make with the pool car could equate to half a nurse’s salary in the first year.

A lot of NHS organisations today are scratching their heads over their carbon footprint. They know they need to shrink emissions but they don’t know how to. This shows what can be done. Assuming that the pool car arrangement performs as expected, the Trust is likely to extend its use of pooled EVs in future”, added Mr Finlay.

David Bushnell, E-Mobility Consultant at Alphabet added; “Often companies shy away from EVs due to obstacles around cost and infrastructure; however, with the right advice and support, these obstacles can be easily overcome. Alphabet’s AlphaElectric consultancy service is designed to help customers integrate EVs in to their fleet, and that’s exactly what we did with West Middlesex University Hospital. We worked with them to understand their eMobility needs and developed a customised solution to meet their requirements.”

AlphaElectric helps fleet customers enhance their overall business mobility mix to include EV’s to support their traditional fleet. Alphabet’s in-house eMobility experts provide comprehensive advice and support to Fleet Managers on effective adoption of EVs, covering a range of areas from fleet analysis and vehicle selection to charging infrastructure and solutions to cover occasional long journeys. The service is marque neutral, ensuring businesses have the right solution and vehicle mix for individual business mobility needs.