
Specialised Transport Service Provider Upgrades Security System

London’s leading specialist transport services provider, Healthcare and Transport Services (HATS) Group, has announced plans to install a prestige tracking system in their current fleet of vehicles.

HATS announced its plan to install all vehicles with an on board tracker provided by a web-based tracking system company, Crystal Ball, to maintain the security of its service users and staff.

Vehicle tracking works by transmitting GPS location and engine activity data stored in a GPS unit installed in the vehicle. The data is sent via a SIM card housed securely in the unit, using a mobile phone network to the tracking provider’s data servers. The data is then either provided as live tracking information on a map interface, or downloaded in report format.

Crystal Ball’s FleetTracker solution transfers this data to a secure web-based portal in real time, allowing its customers to view the information as it comes in. The FleetTracker updates the time and distance the vehicle travelled, and any change in heading. The program also comes with extra security precautions, such as emails being automatically generated if a vehicle moves when it should not be in use.

This partnership with Crystal Ball is set to bring a series of benefits to HATS. Michael Burke, Director of Transport and Fleet Quality Standards said: “Our control staff are now able to customise their monitors to show preferred real time data analysis. The report FleetTracker produces will also allow the management to compare data over various periods of time.”

Henry Bilinski, CEO of HATS, who was part of the final award panel, has his reasons for HATS investing in this new technology: “For me, there were three key reasons as to why we wanted this level of technology in our vehicles. First and foremost, it is for the safeguarding of passengers we transport. The Crystal Ball FleetTracker has a driver behaviour & safety function, it analyses driving behaviours. This function enables us to identify any training required for our drivers.”

“Secondly, it’s the data we can garner from the system, which will be used to drive efficiencies, for instance routes can now be constantly reviewed and evaluated.

“And thirdly, I believe it will be self-funding. We all know that the price of fuel is unpredictable. Having this level of data, and knowing where all our vehicles are at all times, ensures we will be able to keep fuel costs to a minimum 24/7.”

This partnership is welcomed by HATS’ insurance company, where both parties are in the discussions of reducing HATS’ premium following the extra, newly enhanced security measures.