

Skills For Logistics Recognised As An Investor In People

Skills for Logistics (SfL) has been awarded the Investors in People standard.  Investors in People is the UK’s leading accreditation for business improvement through people management, and provides a wealth of resources for businesses to innovate, improve and grow, with a focus on good people making great business.

Commenting on the Investors in People Award, Dr Ross Moloney, CEO of Skills for Logistics, said: “This is a real testament to the commitment of every employee at Skills for Logistics.  We have been through a recent period of change and in such a short space of time I am delighted and furthermore very proud in what we have achieved. The award shows our employees, as well as logistics employers and training providers, that SfL is committed to good business and people management.”

He added: “Our employees truly are our greatest asset and retaining the ‘Investors in People’ accreditation marks the efforts of every one of our employees.  The framework offers good practice in people management and development, which will support our employees as they strive towards achieving their own individual goals.  In turn, this will enable SfL to drive our values forward and meet our strategic objectives to ‘Attract’, ‘Develop’ and ‘Support’ – in line with our core vision: to have ‘The best skilled and most productive logistics workforce in the world”.

Dr Moloney concluded: “Having the ‘Investors in People’ Accreditation shows our commitment to continuous improvement and excellent people management practices, which are essential to the performance and growth here at Skills for Logistics.  We have further to travel on our journey but I am optimistic as to what the future holds.  I am confident we have the right people at every level for the organisation to succeed.”

Paul Devoy, Head of Investors in People, said: “Achieving the Investors in People standard is something that any organisation should be truly proud of. It is the sign of a company which is truly committed to good people management practice and we’d like to congratulate Skills for Logistics on its achievement.”