
Relief For Motorists: Tank Of Fuel Up To £6 Cheaper

The average UK petrol price has decreased 4.5 per cent in just two months
Decreases of 7 per cent for unleaded fuel in some areas of UK
Carlisle in Cumbria is the least expensive location to buy petrol in the UK
However, motorists are still paying up to £95 to fill up a typical family car
Santander 1|2|3 Card Fuel Survey reveals the UK’s refuel hot spots


UK motorists are paying significantly less for fuel than just two months ago, with savings of up to £6 per tank of fuel, according to Santander 1|2|3 Credit Card’s latest Fuel Survey. The average UK unleaded petrol price has decreased 4.5 per cent during this period.

The relief in UK fuel prices will be good news for many motorists; however in the UK’s most expensive areas to buy fuel, it still costs more than £95 to fill up the tank of a popular family people carrier such as a Ford Galaxy.

Santander analysed the average price per litre (“ppl”) of premium unleaded fuel in every UK Town and found that the most expensive place in the UK to refuel is Taunton, Somerset where prices average 136.9 ppl, meaning owners of vehicles with 70–litre tanks will pay £95.83 to fill up.  In contrast, Carlisle is the least expensive place in the country to buy petrol, at an average of 129.7 ppl, or £90.79 for a full tank.

The average cost of unleaded fuel has decreased by 6.28 pence per litre since early March, which means drivers of popular models like the Ford Focus with a 60–litre fuel tank now pay an average of £79.72 to fill up – a decrease of £3.76 in just two months.

The biggest decreases since March of this year have been seen in Aberdeen, Durham and South East London, where motorists pay up to 7 per cent less for unleaded fuel than just two months ago. Motorists in Durham can be expected to make savings of up to £6 for filling up a typical 60-litre tank of fuel or £7 for a 70-litre family tank of fuel.

Santander estimates that motorists driving 1,000 miles a month at an average of 35 miles per gallon spend £172 on petrol every month, almost £10 less than in March.

Alan Mathewson, CEO Santander Cards, commented: “Spiraling fuel prices in the past 12 months have hit motorists hard with some families paying more than £100 to fill up the tank of a family car. However, our latest Fuel Survey gives motorists some temporary relief with decreases of up to seven per cent in just two months.

“While this will be welcome news for UK motorists, fuel prices still remain at a near all-time high so it is important motorists look to make savings where possible, such as car-pooling with colleagues, driving more economically or using public transport. The Santander 1|2|3 Credit Card is another great way to save money on fuel, regardless of where you fill-up, as it offers 3% cashback on fuel at petrol stations across the UK.”

Santander 1|2|3 Card Fuel Survey reveals the UK’s refuel hot spots


Five most expensive towns to refuel (top) / Five least expensive towns to refuel (bottom)


Unleaded PPL

Cost per 60 litre tank e.g. Ford Focus

Cost per 70 litre tank e.g. Ford Galaxy

















Milton Keynes









Unleaded PPL

Cost per 60 litre tank e.g. Ford Focus

Cost per 70 litre tank e.g. Ford Galaxy



















