

Parry-Jones To Chair BVRLA Fleet Technology Congress

The BVRLA is pleased to announce that Richard Parry-Jones – one of the world’s most influential automotive technology leaders – will host its forthcoming Fleet Technology Congress.

Parry-Jones spent nearly 40 years at Ford, rising to the position of Chief Technical Officer where he headed a team of 30,000 engineers, scientists, designers and product development executives working across the Ford, Lincoln, Jaguar, Volvo, Land Rover and Aston Martin brands.

He is an independent consultant in engineering and business, and in his current roles at the Automotive Council and Network Rail, he is guiding much of the investment in new transport technologies that will determine the UK’s future role in the automotive and rail industries.

As well as chairing the BVRLA Fleet Technology Congress, Parry-Jones will share his unique insight on the direction of automotive technology and how sustainable, integrated mobility will develop in the future.

“We are delighted to have Richard on-board,” said BVRLA Chief Executive, Gerry Keaney.

“The vehicle rental and leasing sector plays a leading role in the uptake of new technology and is already using it to deliver a wide range of exciting mobility services.

“Richard’s knowledge, enthusiasm and unparalleled experience make him the perfect person to lead our event.”

The BVRLA Fleet Technology Congress takes place on Thursday 1st July at the Heritage Motor Centre in Gaydon. It is being held in association with ACFO and ICFM and with the support of BMW and Drive Software.

The event will provide an in-depth vehicle rental and leasing industry perspective on the exciting developments already shaping the way fleets are managed and operated:

How will e-call and the latest wave of autonomous safety technology impact fleets? What is the potential for black-box based insurance?

How are telematics and smartphone apps changing the way fleets are driven and managed?

Connected vehicles generate valuable data; what is available, who owns it and how should it be used?


The BVRLA expects more than 150 senior fleet industry executives to attend the event. Further details and booking information can be found at here.