
Myth Of The 125Ml Glass Of Wine: Pubs Fail To Offer Smaller Wine Measures

15 per cent of non-chain  pubs fail to offer a 125ml glass of wine
29 per cent of those that say they do offer these measures, don’t list it on the menu
Over half of female motorists admit they don’t know how many glasses of wine can legally be consumed before driving
Recently reported research finds proportion of driving convictions from women almost doubled from 1998 -20123

New research from Direct Line Car Insurance suggests pubs are failing to offer customers the choice of a 125ml glass of wine, despite it being a legal requirement.

The insurer’s study amongst non-chain pubs across the UK found that 15 per cent would not serve customers a 125ml glass of wine and of those that said they would, 29 per cent admitted this measure was not listed anywhere on the menu.

The insurer also investigated price differences between 125ml and 250ml measures amongst the establishments that did offer both and found that in most cases (84 per cent) it was cheaper to buy a 250ml glass than two 125ml glasses. In one instance ‘doubling up’ cost just 30 pence.

The research raises concerns for customers in pubs, restaurants and other drinking establishments who wish to limit their alcohol consumption, such as motorists. Under the Licensing Act 2003, still wine in a glass must be offered to customers as a 125ml measure and must be displayed in a menu or price list for customers to see.

A separate study by Direct Line Car Insurance revealed that wine is the drink of choice amongst the majority (76 per cent) of female motorists who choose to drink.  The study highlighted a concerning lack of awareness amongst women drivers about the amount of alcohol that can legally be consumed before taking to the road, with over half (58 per cent) admitting they did not know how many glasses of wine they could legally drink before driving . The proportion of all drink driving convictions received by women almost doubled between 1998 and 2012, increasing from nine per cent to 17 per cent.

Rob Miles, director of motor at Direct Line said “We’d urge anyone who does plan to drive not to drink at all. The majority of pubs and restaurants now offer a 250ml glass of wine, which few people realise, is a third of a bottle and often contains three or more units of alcohol.  This would push many drivers over the legal limit with potentially lethal consequences.”