
David Midwood

Midwood Heads BiS Henderson’s Launch Into Oil & Gas Sector

BiS Henderson, the recruitment and logistics consultancy, has appointed David Midwood to head the company’s launch into the Oil & Gas sector.

As Director of Engineering for Oil & Gas at BiS Henderson, Midwood will apply his 25 years experience in recruiting specialist engineers for the industry to developing an important new area of business for BiS Henderson.

“The Oil & Gas industry is a critical driver of growth for the global economy. In the UK alone the Oil & Gas supply chain is a £35bn* industry, directly employing over 200,000 skilled individuals. My task will be to recruit and place senior project managers/engineers, design engineers/designers, project services personnel, construction engineers and commissioning engineers in jobs across all the major geographies for the oil and gas sector – principally, the UK, Europe, the Middle East and the Far East,” says David Midwood. “In particular, the potential for product services – which includes logistics and procurement – is enormous and fits well with BiS Henderson’s focus.”

Andy Kaye, CEO of BiS Henderson, said: “I’m delighted that David will be joining us at this exciting time for the business. The Oil & Gas sector depends on skilled engineers to supply just about every industrial concern with the most important energy resources available to us at this time and we believe we have the expertise to find and place those people in key roles at both the oil and gas majors, and the contractors and sub contractors that support their activities.”