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New Driver Management Solution Reduces Risk Factor

Business drivers have up to 40 per cent more collisions than any other motorist and 200 people are killed or seriously injured every week in work related road accidents.  To address this issue, Pendragon Contracts is partnering with FMG to offer fleet managers an innovative driver programme that can reduce accident rates by up to 30 per cent by changing how motorists think and perform behind the wheel.

Ingenium Dynamics is a telemetry-centred programme which manages driver risk proactively by using a highly effective evidence-based solution, identifying issues that can lead to both excessive fuel consumption and driver incidents.  Through a system designed to facilitate cultural change, positive performance assessment among peers is reviewed and measured through league tables, supported by interactive training and reporting.

The technology captures vehicle data, which is then logged, enabling the organisation to review driver behaviour through insight reports.  As a result, fleet managers will be able to create performance improvement plans to raise awareness of drivers’ motoring habits, and deliver improvements through a driver change framework.

Neal Francis, managing director of Pendragon Contracts, says, “By training, motivating, incentivising and reviewing drivers’ plans, this driver management solution has been proven to sustain a positive change in driving behaviour.

“The investment and operational costs of this programme can be included within the monthly contract hire rentals and fleet managers will be able to deliver a payback on their investment in the system within 12 months of successful implementation and adoption by drivers.”