
Around 3.5 million Qualified Drivers Think They Would Fail A Driving Test

– 18-24-year-olds most likely (91%) to think they are ‘very’ or ‘fairly’ likely to pass if they had to re-take their driving test tomorrow.

– Men and women show equal confidence levels at the thought of having to take their driving test again

– New figures released from AA Driving School

Around 3.5 million UK driving licence holders do not think they would pass their driving test if they had to re-take it tomorrow.

New AA Driving School research** shows 10% of drivers think they are ‘not very’ or ‘not at all’ likely to pass a re-test.

Men and women had exactly the same level of confidence with 10 per cent from each gender saying they think they are ‘not very’ or ‘not at all’ likely to pass a re-test.

Younger drivers aged 18-24 were the most likely to say they thought they would be likely to pass a re-test (91%). Those aged 55-to-64 were the least likely to say this (86%).

Drivers in London and the North East were the most confident with four in ten (37%) saying they were ‘very likely’ to pass tomorrow. Those in Northern Ireland were the least sure with under a third (27%) saying they were ‘very likely’ to do so.

Jim Kirkwood, managing director of the AA Driving School, said: “Passing your driving test is about making sure someone has the right skills to drive safely and competently on roads.

“Therefore, it’s quite concerning that so many drivers do not think they would be up to the standard required.

“I suspect the majority of drivers who did not think they would pass, said so with one or two particular elements of driving in mind, such as parallel parking, rather than because they think they are dangerous.

“If there are any elements of driving that you lack a bit of confidence or knowledge about then approaching a qualified instructor for some refresher lessons is the best way forward.

“Driving is a skill for life and, although it is easy to let bad habits form after your test, drivers should try to ensure their skills are kept up to date.”