
Prime Minister Worse for Britain’s EU Traders

International logistics expert says Prime Minister's Brexit proposals are worse for Britain's EU traders than his predecessor's

An international logistics expert has said Boris Johnson’s draft EU withdrawal agreement and political declaration would be more damaging for Britain’s businesses than the versions concluded by his predecessor. Adam Johnson, director of Leeds-based Tudor International Freight, was commenting on the framework finalised by the current Prime Minister with the EU in Brussels on 17 […]

Ready for a No-Deal? – Brexit Checklist

Ready for a No-Deal? – Your Brexit Checklist Conference

New Prime Minister Boris Johnson has stated clearly that the UK will leave the European Union on 31 October 2019 – with or without a deal. Yet for logistics operators, there are still many questions unanswered, or working practices which will require clarification in order to ensure the seamless movement of goods and services domestically […]

Time for Politics to Give Way to Action, Says FTA

Time for Politics to Give Way to Action, Says FTA

The time has come for government to put the politics of Brexit to one side, come clean with industry, and share its full impact assessment for a No Deal departure from the EU, according to FTA, the organisation which speaks for the logistics sector. After this weekend’s leak of the government’s own Operation Yellowhammer report […]